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C53 | Cargivers

Everyone from lawmakers to celebrities and C-suite executives understands the value of our country’s 53 million caregivers, and we must also “seize the moment” to affect meaningful, systematic change. The Military Children 2025 World Expo Salutes "Military Children (Brats) Caregivers, and Non-Military Caregivers."

“There are only four kinds of people in the world––those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers.”

- Rosalynn Carter



Caregiving will likely affect all of us at some point in our lives, many caregivers do not identify as a caregiver.

Too often we hear caregivers describe themselves as “just” a daughter, husband, friend, or neighbor. If you provide support such as errands and grocery shopping, wound care and prescription management, or cooking, cleaning, and personal care at home – you are a caregiver, and you deserve to be seen and supported.

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Advocates For Change

Family caregivers represent a powerful constituency, capable of making meaningful impact. Together, we can build robust systems of support that truly meets caregiver needs, regardless of where they are in their journey.


We can advocate for a world where every caregiver has access to financial support, respite, mental health services, support from a well-compensated care workforce, and so much more. 


As Advocates

We can advocate for a world where all caregivers have abundant access to financial support, respite, mental health services, support from a well-compensated care workforce, and so much more. United, we can build a better future for military and non-military children who are caregivers.

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The Caregivers Breakfast

The Military Children 2025 World Expo Caregivers Breakfast | C53 is a special event dedicated to honoring the 53 million caregivers in our country. Taking place on Saturday, April 26, 2025, from 8-10 am this breakfast serves as a tribute to the invaluable contributions of caregivers.


​Caregivers play a vital role in our society, providing care and support to those in need. From lawmakers to celebrities and C-suite executives, everyone recognizes the importance of these dedicated individuals. The event aims to bring together people from all walks of life who have either been caregivers in the past, are currently caregivers, will be caregivers in the future, or will eventually require the assistance of caregivers.

By hosting this breakfast, we seek to raise awareness about the significant impact caregivers have on our communities. It is an opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation for their selfless dedication. Join us on the specified date and time to celebrate and honor these unsung heroes. For additional information please email us at


The Invisible Frontline

Caregivers serve as the invisible frontline of our nation’s healthcare system– providing compassionate care to tens of millions of people each year – and yet systems to support them are fragmented, inaccessible, and oftentimes nonexistent. It doesn’t have to be that way. We can change it, together.

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Blue Cross Blue Shield Association Symposium on Family Health, Wellness, and Mental Health at the Military Children 2025 World Expo

Join us for an enlightening symposium focused on family well-being and mental health. Hosted by BlueCross BlueShield Association, this event aims to address critical topics related to military children and their families.


Experts will discuss strategies to enhance mental health equity, support caregivers, and promote overall wellness. Together, we’ll create a healthier future for our military families.

Moderator & Host: Fleet MCPO (R) Paul Kingsbury, Director, Federal Employee Program Community Relations at BCBSA

Unseen Strengths, Unbreakable Bonds:
A Tribute to Our Caregivers”  - C53 Caregivers Breakfast

In the quiet moments before dawn, when the world still sleeps, there exists a sacred space—a gathering of hearts and stories that defy the ordinary. It’s the C53 Caregiver Breakfast, where the sun’s first rays illuminate resilience, compassion, and unwavering commitment. Here, we honor the unsung heroes—the ones who carry the weight of love, duty, and sacrifice on their shoulders.

  1. The Military Children Caregivers: Silent Guardians

    • These young souls, born into camouflage and whispered promises, bear witness to the ebb and flow of military life. Their parents serve on distant shores, in desert sands, or aboard steel vessels that slice through oceans. Yet, these children serve too—quietly, steadfastly.

    • They learn early that bravery isn’t just about battlefields; it’s about holding a sibling’s trembling hand during deployment, wiping away tears, and becoming the anchor when the world tilts. Their playgrounds are base housing, and their bedtime stories echo with tales of valor.

    • At the C53 Breakfast, we lift them from the shadows. We say, “You are seen. Your sacrifices matter.” We celebrate their Readiness & Resilience—the way they adapt, bloom, and find strength in the spaces between deployments.

  2. People with Disabilities Caregivers: Architects of Empathy

    • In the hush of hospital corridors, these caregivers navigate a labyrinth of medical jargon, appointments, and sleepless nights. Their hands cradle fragility—the fragile bones of a child with cerebral palsy, the fragile hope of a parent with Alzheimer’s, the fragile dreams of a sibling with autism.

    • They are the architects of empathy, constructing bridges between ability and limitation. Their love transcends diagnoses, and their patience is a symphony of grace. They teach us that compassion isn’t a grand gesture; it’s the quiet act of feeding, bathing, and listening.

    • At the C53 Breakfast, we honor their tireless devotion. We say, “Your compassion is a superpower. Your love is a healing balm.” We celebrate their ability to see beyond disability—to recognize the soul beneath the skin.

  3. Veterans’ Children Caregivers: Carrying Legacies

    • These children inherit more than just their parents’ names. They carry legacies etched in medals, in memories of camaraderie, and in the haunting echoes of war. Their homes smell of old uniforms and faded photographs—the sepia-tinted past merging with the present.

    • They become caregivers, not by choice but by loyalty. They witness the aftermath—the nightmares, the invisible wounds, the stoic silences. Their love becomes a battlefield, where they fight for normalcy, for laughter, for moments when their parents are more than just veterans.

    • At the C53 Breakfast, we celebrate their courage—the way they hold space for healing. We say, “Your Readiness & Resilience is a bridge between generations. Your love is a beacon in the darkest nights.”


And so, as the sun rises over the C53 Breakfast, hearts converge. Military children caregivers, people with disabilities caregivers, and veterans’ children caregivers stand side by side. Their eyes meet, and in that shared gaze, they find solace. They are not alone. Their stories intertwine, creating a tapestry of courage, sacrifice, and hope.

The Military Children 2025 World Expo becomes a stage—a spotlight that illuminates their journeys. We applaud, we weep, and we whisper, “Thank you.” For in honoring them, we honor the Readiness & Resilience of the human spirit—the unbreakable bonds that weave our collective tapestry

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