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Writer's pictureBunny

5 reasons why our military mothers are the best

Our mothers put up with so much and they never get the credit or recognition they deserve.

They carried us for nine months, spent every waking moment of our first few years diligently caring for us, and tried their best to make us our best. Then, after we turn 18, we go to war and we stop calling.

We rarely ask for their advice and often jump face-first into the very potholes they told us to avoid — and still, they couldn't be any prouder.

This one goes out to all you lovely military moms out there. This is why you're the best.

The "My child is an Airman/Soldier/Marine/Sailor" bumper sticker is far more impressive than any college.

They're brought into the military life while stuck with civilians

More often than not, our mothers don't really get a say on whether we join the military. Sure, she'll be a little disappointed when it finally sets in that their kid isn't going to be a millionaire brain surgeon who can afford to buy her a beautiful mansion (sorry, mom, but we both knew that wasn't going to happen with my high-school grades), but they're still proud of their baby.

Next, they're sucked into the military lifestyle and there's no way of backing out. They'll try to move on as if everything is normal, but they'll find that their patience with civilian moms will quickly wear thin.

The pain is all worth it for the moment that plane lands, though.

They're heartbroken almost the entire time we're gone

Deployments are rough on everyone. In our absence, friends we once knew change entirely and even some lovers fade away. But our mommas will always remain. They'll never stop thinking of us as their babies.

Sure, most moms can keep their composure in front of others, but there isn't a moment that goes by that they're not thinking of us.

They may not get info on the exact moment you're landing until just hours beforehand, but you can be certain they'll be there!

They go months without knowing if we're okay

Communications blackouts are no joke. When something major happens, troops will be told to cut off all communication with the folks back home. These blackouts happen without notice.

Not to make everyone feel horribly guilty, but, uh... sometimes we tend to do this accidentally by using our few phone calls back home to check up on our significant other instead of letting our mothers know that we're doing fine.

Sorry, ma.

And in return, one of the few gifts we can give back is allowing them to pin rank on our uniforms. It may not seem like much but, to them, it means the world.

They're always on-point with care packages

Without exception, care packages are loved and appreciated by deployed troops. It's always nice when schools, churches, and other organizations send out the standard collection of socks, baby powder, and Girl Scout Cookies, but our moms know how to out-do everyone.

Our moms have read through every single article on the internet about care packages and what to put in them. They'll toss in home-made cookies, personal photos, and things we'll actually cherish while deployed. After all, mom knows best.

They do everything in their power to keep you stress-free

If there's one skill that every mother learns to master over 18+ years of childrearing, it's how to handle insane and ridiculous problems. Putting out match-sized fires is nothing when they've learned to deal with forest fires.

You might realize it, but our moms are our best friends while we're deployed. They're our bakers, our financial advisers, our babysitters, our confidants, our emotional rock, and, if you're like me and had the pleasure of enduring a deteriorating marriage while deployed, our enforcers (my mom is badass like that).

Above all, your mother is the one woman on this Earth who will love you most.

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