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The Resilience and Grit of Military Children is Unparalleled

Military mom, educator, and First Lady of the United States Dr. Jill Biden addresses the challenges military kids face and how we can support them.

“Military kids may not wear a uniform, but they serve, too. As we celebrate Month of the Military Child, it’s my hope that this beautiful art installation helps White House visitors better understand and appreciate the unique experiences of the children who serve alongside U.S. service members and veterans.”

—Dr. Jill Biden, First Lady of the United States

My Military Suitcase, a poem

My military suitcase is filled with sadness, because I have to move every three years. I’ve lived in four different states and five different houses; one in South Carolina, one in Maryland, two in Florida, and one in Japan. Every time I move I have to leave more and more friends and leave my family. One of my friends was Juliana. She was in my 3rd and part of my 4th grade classes until she left in the middle of my 4th grade year.


My military suitcase is also filled with happiness, because I get to meet new friends. One of the new students is Sarah. We met at school and now are good friends. My favorite part about moving is seeing all the beautiful sites. I recently went to Beijing, Xi’an, and Shanghai, China. Moving leads to doing things I never thought would get to do. If I never moved to Japan, I never would’ve gone to China. When I was in Beijing, I walked on the Great Wall of China.


And in the end, I might move to Niceville, Florida so I have my military suitcase nearby.—Kylee Garrick, Okinawa, Japan

First Lady Jill Biden renews her efforts to celebrate the Month of the Military Child as part of the White House’s Joining Forces initiative—which supports military and veteran families, caregivers and survivors—by featuring an art installation in the East Wing at the White House that shares the experiences of military-connected children. The 2023 installation was inspired by a poem entitled "My Military Suitcase," written by Kylee Garrick, who was based Japan, who was then a fifth grader living in Okinawa, Japan along her father who served in the US Marines. The installation features ten suitcase art pieces created by kids from military and veteran families reflecting their own experiences as children of the more than 2 million service members and veterans in the United States today.


"My military suitcase is filled with sadness because I have to move every three years.…Every time I move, I have to leave more and more friends and leave my family."

Those are the words of fifth-grader Kylee, the daughter of a marine whose family is stationed in Japan. Her poem is part of a collection of the artwork and writings of military-connected kids that we are displaying in the White House this month, and though she articulated one of the hardest parts of her experience, she wrote about the good parts, too: "My military suitcase is also filled with happiness because I get to meet new friends….My favorite part about moving is seeing all the beautiful sites."

April is National Month of the Military Child, and it's an opportunity to shine a light on the unique challenges that the children of our service members and veterans face. Through Joining Forces—our White House initiative to support military and veteran families, caregivers, and survivors—I've met incredible military kids. They have unparalleled resilience and grit. They are proud of their families' service. Still, at the end of the day, they are kids. They and their parents shouldn't have to face the challenges of military life alone. It's up to all of us to keep the promise we make to those who stand between our nation and danger: that we will care for them and their families while they serve and when their service is finished.

Military families often move every few years. Imagine having to start all over again and again. It's complicated to enroll in a school with different graduation requirements or curriculum, but there are also more subtle challenges, too. Parents have to wonder: Who do you call to babysit? Who do you invite to birthday parties? How do you help your child make friends when everyone else has known each other since kindergarten?

Meanwhile, military kids often find out that their favorite sport isn't offered at their new school or lose touch with their best friends. These hardships can be heartbreaking but are frequently unseen. Military kids don't wear a uniform, so most of the time their peers and teachers have no idea what they are going through.

Millions of children in classrooms across the United States have parents who are active-duty military service members, National Guard or Reserve personnel, or veterans. When my son, Beau, deployed to Iraq for a year, I saw how difficult it could be, especially for his children, Natalie and little Hunter. All of us felt torn at times between overwhelming pride for how he was serving our country and a very real fear of the worst.

Additionally, more than 2 million children live with a veteran who has a disability. Because of their families' service, military kids understand things like war and sacrifice a lot earlier than their peers. They become strong and resilient because they have to be.

I've met kids as young as 5 who learned what to do if their mom or dad has flashbacks or becomes disoriented. Kids know to call 911 or administer medication or keep triggers away from their parents. It is a heavy burden.

That's why Joining Forces launched the Hidden Helpers Coalition alongside the Elizabeth Dole Foundation, Wounded Warrior Project, and dozens of partners, to create supportive programming for children of wounded, ill, or injured service members or veterans. So far, we've had an incredible response from government and corporate partners: In November of 2021, we announced nearly 40 unique commitments for new and expanded resources, programs, and financial pledges. I'm proud of that, and I know this work is going to change children's lives.

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